Understanding Colon and Dot Operators

Many programmers learning Lua for the first time struggle with the difference between a function call that uses a colon (:) to separate the method from the object and a call that uses a dot/period (.) to separate them. Let’s begin by looking at two examples:

local length = string.len( "Hello World" )
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", gameLoop )

In the first example, string is the object and len is one of its methods (in this case, it gets the length of the string).

The second example calls the Runtime object’s method addEventListener, along with some parameters/arguments.

Which Should I Use?

Deciding whether to use the colon or dot syntax can often be determined by whether you need a reference to the object within the function. This is, of course, irrelevant for standalone functions, but it can be extremely important for functions which are defined as methods of objects.

Consider this generic module:

local object = {}

function object.dotMethod( parameter1, parameter2 )


function object:colonMethod( parameter1, parameter2 )


First, we set up an object (object) — in this case, just an empty Lua table.

Next, for the first function, we define a method of object called dotMethod(), and this method expects two parameters: parameter1 and parameter2. However, the method knows nothing about the object that it’s associated with, and that may be limiting.

The second function, colonMethod(), has one major difference — it uses the colon (:) operator and, as a result, the method has an additional “invisible” parameter called self. As you can probably guess, this self parameter is a reference to the object itself, in this case object. This can be tested by expanding on the code above:

local object = {}

function object.dotMethod( parameter1, parameter2 )
    print( self.someNumber )

function object:colonMethod( parameter1, parameter2 )
    print( self.someNumber )

object.someNumber = 10
object.dotMethod( "Hello", "World" )    -- Dot method called with dot operator
object:colonMethod( "Hello", "World" )  -- Colon method called with colon operator

Running this code, you can see that the result in the console is:


Why the difference? As explained above, the implicit self parameter is not included in the dot operator method, so Lua outputs nil. In contrast, the self parameter is accessible in the colon operator method, so Lua recognizes self and object as the same, along with the someNumber property we added, and thus the output is 10.

Be Careful!

Note that using the dot or the colon at the wrong time can cause errors in your code. The Lua compiler will tell you exactly what the problem is, but deciphering the error message can be tricky. Consider the following example:

local object = {}

function object:colonMethod( parameter1, parameter2 )
    print( self )
    print( parameter1 .. " " .. parameter2 )

object.colonMethod( "Hello", "World" )  -- COLON method called with DOT operator (incorrect)

Running this code will generate this error:

lua: mymodule.lua:5: attempt to concatenate local 'parameter2' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
mymodule.lua:5: in function 'colonMethod'
mymodule.lua:8: in main chunk

Basically, this error message tells you that parameter2 is nil, however this may be confusing since both parameters are clearly passed in. The reason for the error is because, as explained above, the colon method has self as the implicit first parameter, so as far as the function is concerned, the parameters are:

  1. self"Hello"
  2. parameter1"World"
  3. parameter2nil

In contrast, try calling the function correctly like this:

object:colonMethod( "Hello", "World" )  -- COLON method called with COLON operator (correct)

Now, the results are as expected and, from the function’s standpoint, the parameters are:

  1. selfobject
  2. parameter1"Hello"
  3. parameter2"World"


Armed with this information, you can better understand when to use the colon operator and when to use the dot operator, thus ensuring that your code is logical and bug-free.