
Type Function
Object DisplayObject
Library display.*
Return value DisplayObject
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords removeSelf, removing objects, delete object, removal
See also display.remove()


Removes the display object and frees its memory, assuming there are no other references to it. This is equivalent to calling group:remove() on the same display object, but it is syntactically simpler. The object:removeSelf() syntax is also supported in other cases, such as removing physics joints in the physics engine.

When you remove a display object, event listeners that are attached to it — tap and touch listeners, for example — are also freed from memory. You don’t need to explicitly remove event listeners that are isolated to the object. See the Display Objects guide for further details on object removal.

The object:removeSelf() method converts a display object into a normal Lua table that will be garbage collected if there are not other references to the object. You should also set the object to nil after removing it.





local obj = display.newImage( "image.png" )
obj:translate( 100, 100 )
-- Remove the object
obj = nil