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CoronaBoxedDataFromLua Method
Creates a boxed data object containing a copy of the value(s) indexed in Lua.

Namespace: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT
Assembly: CoronaLabs (in CoronaLabs.dll) Version:
public static ICoronaBoxedData FromLua(
	long luaStateMemoryAddress,
	int luaStackIndex


Type: SystemInt64
Memory address to a lua_State object, convertible to a C/C++ pointer.
Type: SystemInt32
Index to a Lua object in the Lua stack such as a boolean, number, string, or table.

Return Value

Type: ICoronaBoxedData

Returns a boxed data object containing a copy of the indexed Lua object's data.

Returns null if unable to copy the indexed data in Lua or if given invalid arguments.

See Also