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CoronaRuntimeRun Method (String)

Starts the Corona runtime by executing the given *.lua or *.car file.

If the runtime is currently executing a Corona project, then it will be terminated before running a new one.

Namespace: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT
Assembly: CoronaLabs (in CoronaLabs.dll) Version:
public IOperationResult Run(
	string filePath


Type: SystemString

Absolute path to a *.lua or *.car file to be executed.

This is normally set to a "main.lua" or "" file in the resource directory.

This file does not have to reside in the resource directory, but it is recommended since the Lua require() function defaults to finding Lua files in the resource directory.

Cannot be null or empty string or else an exception will be thrown.

Return Value

Type: IOperationResult

Returns a success result if the Corona runtime was able to start up.

Returns a failure result if unable to start. In this case, the result object's "Message" property will provide an error message indicating why the failure occurred.

See Also