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CoronaRuntimeLaunchSettings Properties

The CoronaRuntimeLaunchSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCachesDirectoryPath

Gets or sets the path Corona will use for its caches directory.

This is the directory that Lua property "system.CachesDirectory" maps to.

This directory's files will be automatically deleted if the system is running low on storage space.

Public propertyDocumentsDirectoryPath

Gets or sets the path Corona will use for its documents directory.

This is the directory that Lua property "system.DocumentsDirectory" maps to.

Public propertyInternalDirectoryPath

Gets or sets the directory path Corona will use for its internal features, such as analytics.

This directory is not made available in Lua.

Public propertyLaunchFilePath

Gets or set a path to the file that the Corona runtime will begin execution on.

Expected to be set to the path to a "main.lua" or "" file.

Public propertyResourceDirectoryPath

Gets or sets the path Corona will use for its resource directory.

This is the directory that Lua property "system.ResourceDirectory" maps to.

By default, this is set to the application's read-only ".\Assets\Corona" directory.

The caller can change this to a writable Application Data directory, which is useful if the Corona project files were downloaded.

Public propertyTemporaryDirectoryPath

Gets or sets the path Corona will use for its temporary directory.

This is the directory that Lua property "system.TemporaryDirectory" maps to.

This directory's files will be automatically deleted if the system is running low on storage space.

See Also