Creating a Countdown Timer

One challenge which new Corona developers may encounter is how to work with time. There are different ways of tracking time — you can read the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (os.time()), you can use a microsecond timer from when the app started (system.getTimer()), or you can brave your own path and keep track of app “ticks” using an enterFrame listener. Of course there are also the timer APIs which allow you to fire events at a specific time in the future.

These topics are discussed in detail within the Utilizing Time and Dates tutorial, so we won’t go further in depth here — instead, this tutorial will illustrate how to create a visual countdown timer which can be used for several types of games.

Initial Setup

Let’s begin with some basic setup code:

local secondsLeft = 600  -- 10 minutes * 60 seconds

local clockText = display.newText( "10:00", display.contentCenterX, 80, native.systemFont, 72 )
clockText:setFillColor( 0.7, 0.7, 1 )

Basically, we perform two simple tasks:

  1. We start by defining a variable, secondsLeft, which will hold the number of seconds left in the countdown. To determine the number of seconds, simply multiply the number of minutes by 60 and then, optionally, add an additional number of seconds. For instance, a timer of 5 minutes and 45 seconds would require a secondsLeft value of 5*60 + 45, or 345.

  2. Next, we create a display.newText() object (clockText) to draw the time remaining on the screen. For each instance when we change the time, we’ll update the text property of this object to visually change its readout.

Time Update Function

If you run the code above, you’ll see a large display of 10:00 on the screen. That’s a good start, but it doesn’t actually do anything! Let’s fix that by first writing a function which updates the visual time display:

local function updateTime( event )

    -- Decrement the number of seconds
    secondsLeft = secondsLeft - 1

    -- Time is tracked in seconds; convert it to minutes and seconds
    local minutes = math.floor( secondsLeft / 60 )
    local seconds = secondsLeft % 60

    -- Make it a formatted string
    local timeDisplay = string.format( "%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds )
    -- Update the text object
    clockText.text = timeDisplay

Let’s explore this function in greater detail:

  1. The first step in this function is critical — subtract 1 from secondsLeft. If we didn’t do this, the timer wouldn’t count down! Optionally, we could add a conditional test after this line to see if secondsLeft equals 0 and, if so, trigger some event indicating that the clock has reached zero.

  2. To compute the minutes, we need to reverse the time calculation that we used to convert the time into seconds, so we simply divide the number of remaining seconds by 60. This will present us with a fractional value, but we don’t need the fractional part for the “minutes” aspect of the display. Thus, we use math.floor() to generate a whole number and then we store the value as the minutes variable. For the seconds variable, we do need the fractional part because that will be the visual “seconds” in the display. This is easy to accomplish using the modulus operator (%) — essentially secondsLeft % 60 will give us the number of seconds without the minutes.

  3. To make the time display in a typical time format (MM:SS), we need to format a string. We could use for this, but string.format() will do the job more easily. Using it, we can specify placeholders that have a certain format and then pass in values to fill those placeholders. The string format for our purposes is "%02d:%02d" which might look cryptic, but it’s actually pretty basic. The % sign defines the beginning of a placeholder and the 02d says that we want a whole number (d for decimal) and use two (2) character spaces to display it. The leading 0 says that if the number is too small to fit in the two character spaces, prefix it with enough zeros to match the requested format — in other words, if we have a seconds value of 7, it will be formatted and displayed as 07. Finally, string.format() takes one variable per placeholder, filling in the values from left to right. By passing in minutes first, then seconds, we get the traditional MM:SS type display.

  • The : is not part of the formatting — it’s simply used to place a colon between the minutes and seconds.

  • For further exploration of string formatting, please see the Formatting String Values tutorial.

  1. Finally, we take the timeDisplay value associated with the string.format() command and pass it to the display object’s text property to visually update its readout.

Running the Timer

Now that we have an update function, let’s call timer.performWithDelay() to start it running:

-- Run the timer
local countDownTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, updateTime, secondsLeft )

For this command, the first parameter is the amount of time to delay before the timer executes for the first time. In this case, we want to fire it every second, but we need to specify that time in milliseconds (1000). Next, upon each execution, we call the updateTime function above. Finally, since we obviously want the timer to execute once every second for the lifespan of the countdown timer, we specify the secondsLeft value calculated earlier.

Fixing the Visual Alignment

If you run the entire code example above, you’ll notice that the time display works properly, but there are problems with the visual alignment as it counts down. This is because the default font we’re using for the text object (native.systemFont) contains numeric characters of varying widths. For instance, the 1 is narrower than the 0 or 8 and this causes the entire text string to shift awkwardly to the left or right as the timer counts down.

While it might seem that simply setting the anchor point on the text object would solve the problem, it won’t — because either the left-most or right-most character in the MM:SS format will change as the timer counts down, the display will always shift around regardless of how you anchor it.

Fortunately, there are two ways to solve this, each reasonably straightforward.

Monospace Font

The easiest solution is to use a monospace font for the text object. Essentially, all characters (including numbers) in a monospace font occupy the exact same “width” regardless of their visual appearance. This will prevent the timer display from shifting to the left or right because, as far as Corona is concerned, a 1 in a monospace font occupies the same amount of screen space as a 0, 8, or anything else.

Numerous monospace fonts are available from various resources, including Google Fonts. Once you obtain a monospace font that suits your visual game design, you can utilize it within your Corona project by following the simple steps in the Using Custom Fonts guide.

Sprite-Based Display

One potential problem with monospace fonts is that, depending on the font design, some characters will appear to have more surrounding horizontal space than other characters. For example, the digit 1 will appear to have too much space between surrounding digits in comparison to a “wider” digit like 0 or 8, making the timer display look a bit strange.

This matter can be solved by using sprites for each element in the timer display. This allows you to create a more attractive visual readout and it lets you dynamically control the position of each digit relative to surrounding digits, effectively making the readout more consistently spaced.

To implement sprites, the first thing we’ll need is an image similar to the following, containing all 10 digits along with a colon to separate the minutes from the seconds:

With our image created, let’s modify the code example from above:

  1. First, remove the clockText text object and set up an image sheet instead:
local secondsLeft = 10 * 60  -- 10 minutes * 60 seconds

local sheetOptions = {
    frames = {
        { x=0, y=0, width=24, height=48 },    -- 1
        { x=24, y=0, width=34, height=48 },   -- 2
        { x=58, y=0, width=28, height=48 },   -- 3
        { x=86, y=0, width=36, height=48 },   -- 4
        { x=122, y=0, width=30, height=48 },  -- 5
        { x=152, y=0, width=38, height=48 },  -- 6
        { x=190, y=0, width=34, height=48 },  -- 7
        { x=224, y=0, width=36, height=48 },  -- 8
        { x=260, y=0, width=38, height=48 },  -- 9
        { x=298, y=0, width=40, height=48 },  -- 0
        { x=338, y=0, width=22, height=48 }   -- :
    sheetContentWidth = 360,
    sheetContentHeight = 48
local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "timer-digits.png", sheetOptions )

This tutorial won’t explain the above configuration in detail — if you need further understanding on the topic, please see the Image Sheets guide. Essentially, this new code defines the frames of the image sheet (11 in total) and creates an image sheet (sheet).

  1. Next, define a basic sprite sequence and create/position the colon object on screen:
local digitSequence = { name="digits", start=1, count=11 }

local colon = display.newSprite( sheet, digitSequence )
colon.x, colon.y = display.contentCenterX, 80
colon:setFrame( 11 )

Again, this tutorial will not cover sprite setup, all of which is outlined in the Sprite Animation guide. Basically, we define a simple 11-frame sequence (digitSequence), create our first sprite (colon), position it on screen, and then set its frame to 11 (note that the colon is the 11th frame in the image sheet).

  1. In this example, the colon object will remain “locked” in place and all other digits will be positioned around it. We’ll need 4 additional digits, so let’s create them now:
local minutesSingle = display.newSprite( sheet, digitSequence )
minutesSingle.x, minutesSingle.y = 0, 80
minutesSingle.anchorX = 1

local minutesDouble = display.newSprite( sheet, digitSequence )
minutesDouble.x, minutesDouble.y = 0, 80
minutesDouble.anchorX = 1

local secondsDouble = display.newSprite( sheet, digitSequence )
secondsDouble.x, secondsDouble.y = 0, 80
secondsDouble.anchorX = 0

local secondsSingle = display.newSprite( sheet, digitSequence )
secondsSingle.x, secondsSingle.y = 0, 80
secondsSingle.anchorX = 0

The first two objects represent the minutes digits and the second two objects are for the seconds. Don’t worry about the initial x position of 0 for each object — in this enhanced version, we’ll actually use modifications within the existing updateTime() function to set both the frame and position of every digit. Note, however, that we do specify anchors for these four objects, an important aspect which ensures that each digit remains properly spaced in relation to its surrounding elements.

  1. Now let’s begin modifying the updateTime() function to take advantage of our changes so far. First, surround the secondsLeft calculation with a simple conditional statement — this will prevent secondsLeft from decrementing on the first “initialization” of the timer display performed in step #5.
local function updateTime( event )

    if ( event ~= "init" ) then
        -- Decrement the number of seconds
        secondsLeft = secondsLeft - 1

Next, a bit lower down in the function, remove the clockText.text = timeDisplay command, since that object no longer exists. In its place, add the following highlighted blocks of code:

    -- Time is tracked in seconds; convert it to minutes and seconds
    local minutes = math.floor( secondsLeft / 60 )
    local seconds = secondsLeft % 60

    -- Make it a formatted string
    local timeDisplay = string.format( "%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds )
    -- Get the individual new value of each element in time display
    local md = tonumber( string.sub( timeDisplay, 1, 1 ) )
    local ms = tonumber( string.sub( timeDisplay, 2, 2 ) )
    local sd = tonumber( string.sub( timeDisplay, 4, 4 ) )
    local ss = tonumber( string.sub( timeDisplay, 5, 5 ) )
    if ( md == 0 ) then minutesDouble:setFrame( 10 ) else minutesDouble:setFrame( md ) end
    if ( ms == 0 ) then minutesSingle:setFrame( 10 ) else minutesSingle:setFrame( ms ) end
    if ( sd == 0 ) then secondsDouble:setFrame( 10 ) else secondsDouble:setFrame( sd ) end
    if ( ss == 0 ) then secondsSingle:setFrame( 10 ) else secondsSingle:setFrame( ss ) end

    -- Reposition digits around central colon
    minutesSingle.x = colon.contentBounds.xMin
    minutesDouble.x = minutesSingle.contentBounds.xMin
    secondsDouble.x = colon.contentBounds.xMax
    secondsSingle.x = secondsDouble.contentBounds.xMax

Essentially, the first block determines the value of each digit in the time readout, setting them to four variables accordingly (md, ms, sd, and ss). For example, if the formatted timeDisplay string is 05:36, these variables will be 0, 5, 3, and 6 respectively.

Using those four values, the frame of each sprite is then set to the proper value. Note that for each, if the variable is equal to 0, we set the frame to 10 which is actually the 0 digit in the image sheet. Otherwise, we set the frame to the value of the variable which meshes with the image sheet representation accordingly.

In the second block, we reposition all four digits, working outward from the central colon. Basically, minutesSingle represents the digit directly to the left of the colon. That digit is pushed directly against the left side of the colon, then minutesDouble is pushed against the left side of minutesSingle. Similarly, secondsDouble represents the digit directly to the right of the colon, so it is pushed against the right side of the colon. Finally, secondsSingle is pushed against the right side of secondsDouble. All of this might seem complicated, but the usage of contentBounds properties and anchors makes it perform nicely, eliminating excess spacing between digits as the timer counts down.

  1. The final modification is to “initialize” the timer display. While we could have done this in step #3, it would have resulted in duplicate frame setting and positioning code that we just added to the updateTime() function. Thus, we’ll use a little trick where we explicity run the updateTime() before the timer begins — however, since we don’t want this initialization to subtract 1 from the secondsLeft variable, we’ll pass a string value of "init" to the function:
-- Initialize timer to set/position the digit sprites
updateTime( "init" )

-- Run the timer
local countDownTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, updateTime, secondsLeft )

As you recall, we added a conditional blocker for this in step #4 (line 46). This "init" parameter will only exist when we call the updateTime() function on line 76, not when that function is called by the countDownTimer timer on line 79. Thus, we make effective use of the updateTime() function for two purposes: initializing the timer display to the value set way up on line 1 and setting the frame/position of each digit as the timer counts down.

That’s it! The final line remains the same and the timer will begin counting down after 1 second. With these modifications, we now have a colorful sprite-rendered timer display, and better yet, the issues of alignment and inconsistent spacing are both resolved!


While working with time may seem difficult at first, in many cases it’s a simple matter of integer math and usage of basic time-based APIs. Hopefully this tutorial has given you a foundation to get started!