Introduction to Solar2D Native — iOS

This tutorial will help you get started with Solar2D Native builds for iOS.

Before you begin, we recommend that you update to the latest version of Xcode.


To set up Solar2D Native, follow these steps:

  1. Install Corona as outlined in Installing Corona — macOS.
  1. Once you have Corona installed, locate its core application folder. Open the Native folder within and run the Setup Corona Native application.

  2. Solar2D Native projects should generally use the provided App template as a foundation, so copy the App folder (/Native/Project Template/App) to another convenient location such as a working project folder. Do not modify the original template because you’ll likely need a clean copy for future projects.

  3. Once copied, rename the folder to whatever you want. In this tutorial, we’ll build a sample plugin which activates/deactivates the device’s “flashlight” and then we’ll integrate it into a test app. Thus, Flashlight is an appropriate folder name.

Plugin Project

Let’s get started! First, we’ll address the plugin side of the project:

  1. Open your Flashlight folder — a copy of the App template as described above — and then open the ios folder.

  2. Inside this ios folder you’ll see several files, two of which should be noted at this point:

    • App.xcodeproj
    • Plugin.xcodeproj

Basically, these are Xcode Project files which contain various project files and settings.

  1. Double click the Plugin.xcodeproj file to load the project in Xcode. Once loaded, inspect the left-side Navigator column. From here, expand the PluginSource folder tree:

If the Navigator is not visible, reveal it via ViewNavigators Show Navigator (⌘-0).

  1. Inside, you’ll see the PluginLibrary.h and files — these are the files which we’ll modify to build the plugin.


For those with a background in C programming, the .mm extension may seem a bit odd. In Xcode, a .m file is really a .c file, but it stands for Methods. This .mm file allows Xcode to mix Obj-C with C++ and it’s where you’ll put your methods and objects. As for the .h file, this is the traditional C “header” file where you’ll place the definitions for the objects.

Methods File

Now let’s proceed with modifying the methods file (

  1. Within Xcode, select from the left-side Navigator column to reveal its contents (or alternatively open the file in your preferred text editor).

  2. For this tutorial, the plugin will need access to the AVFoundation framework. As such, we must import the appropriate header file just after the UIKit import by adding the indicated highlighted line:

#import "PluginLibrary.h"

#include <CoronaRuntime.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
  1. Following this, observe that the PluginLibrary class is declared. This is the interface for binding your plugin to Lua:
class PluginLibrary
        typedef PluginLibrary Self;

        static const char kName[];
        static const char kEvent[];


        bool Initialize( CoronaLuaRef listener );

        CoronaLuaRef GetListener() const { return fListener; }

        static int Open( lua_State *L );

        static int Finalizer( lua_State *L );

        static Self *ToLibrary( lua_State *L );

        static int init( lua_State *L );
        static int show( lua_State *L );

        CoronaLuaRef fListener;

Most of this requires no modification except for the final public: block where two methods are defined:

        static int init( lua_State *L );
        static int show( lua_State *L );

        CoronaLuaRef fListener;

For our flashlight plugin, show() doesn’t make much semantic sense. Instead, methods of on() and off() are more logical since the plugin will turn the flashlight on or off. Thus, let’s remove the show() method and add both an on() and off() method instead:

        static int init( lua_State *L );
        static int on( lua_State *L );
        static int off( lua_State *L );

        CoronaLuaRef fListener;
  1. Now let’s update some values to better represent the actual project on the Lua side and provide proper linking. Essentially, change "plugin.library" to "plugin.flashlight" and, a few lines after, "pluginlibraryevent" to "Flashlight":
// This corresponds to the name of the library, e.g. [Lua] require "plugin.library"
const char PluginLibrary::kName[] = "plugin.flashlight";

// This corresponds to the event name, e.g. [Lua]
const char PluginLibrary::kEvent[] = "Flashlight";
  1. Next, the PluginLibrary::Open() method needs updating to remove the show() method and add the on() and off() methods we specified earlier:
PluginLibrary::Open( lua_State *L )
    // Register __gc callback
    const char kMetatableName[] = __FILE__; // Globally unique string to prevent collision
    CoronaLuaInitializeGCMetatable( L, kMetatableName, Finalizer );

    // Functions in library
    const luaL_Reg kVTable[] =
        { "init", init },
        { "on", on },
        { "off", off },

        { NULL, NULL }

    // Set library as upvalue for each library function
    Self *library = new Self;
    CoronaLuaPushUserdata( L, library, kMetatableName );

    luaL_openlib( L, kName, kVTable, 1 ); // leave "library" on top of stack

    return 1;
  1. Now, scroll down until you see the show() method. Since we don’t need this method for our flashlight plugin, remove it and replace it with two new methods for on() and off():
// [Lua] library.on( word )
PluginLibrary::on( lua_State *L )
    NSString *message = @"Device does not appear to have a camera light.";

    // check if flashlight available
    Class captureDeviceClass = NSClassFromString(@"AVCaptureDevice");
    if (captureDeviceClass != nil) {
        AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
        if ([device hasTorch] && [device hasFlash]){
                message = @"Device light should be on.";
            [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
            if (device.torchMode == AVCaptureTorchModeOff) {
                [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOn];
                [device setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeOn];
            [device unlockForConfiguration];

    Self *library = ToLibrary( L );

    // Create event and add message to it
    CoronaLuaNewEvent( L, kEvent );
    lua_pushstring( L, [message UTF8String] );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "message" );

    // Dispatch event to library listener
    CoronaLuaDispatchEvent( L, library->GetListener(), 0 );

    return 0;

// [Lua] word )
PluginLibrary::off( lua_State *L )
    NSString *message = @"Device does not appear to have a camera light."; ;

    // check if flashlight available
    Class captureDeviceClass = NSClassFromString(@"AVCaptureDevice");
    if (captureDeviceClass != nil) {
        AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
        if ([device hasTorch] && [device hasFlash]){
                message = @"Device light should be off.";
            [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
            if (device.torchMode == AVCaptureTorchModeOn) {
                [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOff];
                [device setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeOff];
            [device unlockForConfiguration];

    Self *library = ToLibrary( L );

    // Create event and add message to it
    CoronaLuaNewEvent( L, kEvent );
    lua_pushstring( L, [message UTF8String] );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "message" );

    // Dispatch event to library listener
    CoronaLuaDispatchEvent( L, library->GetListener(), 0 );

    return 0;

Within each new method, following the Obj-C code which manages the device’s lamp, there’s some Solar2D Native code that constructs an event and dispatches it to Lua. Let’s examine that code:

    Self *library = ToLibrary( L );

    // Create event and add message to it
    CoronaLuaNewEvent( L, kEvent );
    lua_pushstring( L, [message UTF8String] );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "message" );

    // Dispatch event to library listener
    CoronaLuaDispatchEvent( L, library->GetListener(), 0 );

    return 0;

Basically, this code creates a C object called library which is the pathway to the Lua app. Next, it calls CoronaLuaNewEvent() and passes it the kEvent object. It then adds the string message and tells Lua that it’s the second entry in the table. Finally, it dispatches the event to the library (further on in this tutorial we’ll discuss the Lua code for handling this event).

  1. The last block of code in the file is this:
CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_library( lua_State *L )
    return PluginLibrary::Open( L );

Because of the “suffix” of _library, the name of the plugin on the Corona side will be library. That name is vague if you decide to build several plugins, so let’s rename the plugin flashlight by changing the code to luaopen_plugin_flashlight:

CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_flashlight( lua_State *L )
    return PluginLibrary::Open( L );
  1. At this point, save your file and proceed to the next section.

Header File

Now let’s proceed with modifying the header file (PluginLibrary.h):

  1. Within Xcode, select PluginLibrary.h from the left-side Navigator column to reveal its contents (or alternatively open the file in your preferred text editor).

  2. Change the CORONA_EXPORT line to the following:

// This corresponds to the name of the library, e.g. [Lua] require "plugin.library"
// where the '.' is replaced with '_'
CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_flashlight( lua_State *L );

#endif // _PluginLibrary_H__
  1. At this point, save your PluginLibrary.h file and proceed to the next section.

Building the Project

Xcode projects need to be built to verify the code and test for any errors. Confirm that you saved all changes to both and PluginLibrary.h, then select ProductBuild (⌘-B) from within Xcode. If the process completes without errors, you can close the project file at this point.

App Project

Now, from within your core Flashlight folder, open the App.xcodeproj project and proceed with the following steps:

  1. First, rename the project to something more sensible by clicking and hovering over the project name (App) in the left-side Navigator column. Change the name from App to Flashlight. Upon entry, Xcode will analyze the project and show a dialog box indicating all of the names it will change. Click Rename to confirm.

  1. In the middle pane, with General selected along the upper tab bar, look for the Identity section. For Bundle Identifier, change the value to a valid app bundle ID which you set up in the Apple Developer portal. If you need assistance on Apple provisioning, please see our guide.

  1. Next, scroll down to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section and look for AVFoundation.framework. If you do not see it, click the [+] button below the list, select AVFoundation.framework, and click Add.

Lua Project Code

The final step is to implement our plugin into a standard Corona (Lua) project. Within Xcode, from the left-side Navigator column, expand the FlashlightCorona tree:

Here you’ll see typical Corona project files like main.lua, build.settings, and config.lua. For Solar2D Native, the latter two files are typically not used, so we can ignore them for this tutorial.

Select main.lua to reveal its contents (or alternatively open the file in your preferred text editor) and then replace the existing file code with the following:

local flashlight = require( "plugin.flashlight" )
local widget = require( "widget" )

-- This event is dispatched to the global Runtime object by "didLoadMain:" in
local function delegateListener( event )
        "Event dispatched from 'didLoadMain:'",
        "of type: " .. tostring( ),
        { "OK" } )
Runtime:addEventListener( "delegate", delegateListener )

local function listener( event )
    print( "Received event from Flashlight plugin (" .. .. "): ", event.message )

local lightState = "off"

local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( lightState == "off" ) then
        lightState = "on" "Turn Off" )
        lightState = "off" "Turn On" )
    return true

local onOffSwitch = widget.newButton(
    x = display.contentCenterX,
    y = display.contentCenterY,
    label = "Turn On",
    onRelease = handleButtonEvent

flashlight.init( listener )

Let’s inspect this code step by step:

local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    if ( lightState == "off" ) then
        lightState = "on" "Turn Off" )
        lightState = "off" "Turn On" )
    return true

Test Run

And now for the fun — testing on an actual device!

  1. Assuming you’ve enabled your iOS device as a development device, connect it to your computer with the sync cable.

  2. In the Xcode tool bar, click on the active scheme button and confirm that App is the selected scheme:

  1. In the same scheme button region, click to the right of the thin arrow (). You should find a list of connected device(s) under the grey Device subheader. Select the device that you wish to test on.

  1. To the left of the scheme button, you’ll see a Run button. Click this and Xcode will install the app onto the device and start it. Because it’s in development mode, it may take a couple seconds longer to start up.

  2. If everything is working correctly, you’ll see a “Turn On” button in the center of the screen. Tap it and the device’s flashlight should turn on. Tap the button again to turn off the flashlight.

  3. When you’re finished testing, click the Stop button in Xcode.


Clearly this tutorial is just a basic example of what can be done with Solar2D Native, but hopefully it has shown you what can be accomplished when you combine the nearly unlimited power of native programming with the ease and simplicity of Corona!