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CoronaLuaEventHandler Delegate

Delegate to be invoked by the Corona runtime when an event has been dispatched from Lua.

An instance of this handler is expected to be given to the CoronaRuntimeEnvironment::AddEventListener() method in order to subscribe to a particular Corona event.

Namespace: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT
Assembly: CoronaLabs (in CoronaLabs.dll) Version:
public delegate ICoronaBoxedData CoronaLuaEventHandler(
	CoronaRuntimeEnvironment __param0,
	CoronaLuaEventArgs __param1


Type: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRTCoronaRuntimeEnvironment
Type: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRTCoronaLuaEventArgs

Return Value

Type: ICoronaBoxedData

Returns a value back to Lua, if applicable to the event.

Can return a CoronaBoxedBoolean, CoronaBoxedNumber, CoronaBoxedString, CoronaBoxedList, or CoronaBoxedTable.

Returning null will return nil in Lua.

See Also