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CoronaRuntimeState Enumeration
Indicates the current state of a CoronaRuntime object such as Starting, Running, etc.

Namespace: CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT
Assembly: CoronaLabs (in CoronaLabs.dll) Version:
public enum CoronaRuntimeState
  Member nameValueDescription
NotStarted0Indicates that the Corona runtime has not started a project yet.

Indicates that the Corona runtime's Run() method has been called, but hasn't been started yet.

During this phase, the Corona runtime is initializing itself and attempting to access its rendering surface.

Running2 Indicates that the Corona runtime has been started/resumed and is actively executing its Lua scripts, rendering to the screen, playing audio, etc.

Indicates that the Corona runtime's Suspend() method has been called and is in the middle of suspending itself.

During this phase, system event "applicationSuspend" is raised in Lua.


Indicates that the Corona runtime has been suspended.

This means features such as rendering, audio, timers, and other Corona related operations have been currently paused.


Indicates that the Corona runtime's Resume() method has been called and is in the middle of resuming itself.

During this phase, system event "applicationResume" event is raised in Lua.


Indicates that the Corona runtime is being terminated.

During this phase, system event "applicationExit" is raised in Lua.

Terminated7Indicates that the Corona runtime has been completely terminated.
See Also