Texture Loading/Management

This guide discusses TextureResource objects which provide a handle to manually manage and access information about textures.


The methods outlined in this guide are intended for finer-grained control of managing textures in very specific situations. For general app development, these will not be necessary, but we provide them for more advanced purposes.


TextureResource objects give you control over the lifetime of textures in memory while also providing abstraction over file names and directories. The primary purpose of these objects is to pre-load textures into memory so that creating display objects using them will be virtually instantaneous.

Essentially, when you create a TextureResource object with graphics.newTexture(), a reference to the texture is retained in memory — this is similar to the reference that display objects hold if they utilize a texture. The key difference is that a texture which is not loaded as a TextureResource object will be disposed/released when there are no display objects using the texture, while a texture loaded as a TextureResource object will remain in memory until you explicitly release it via object:releaseSelf() or graphics.releaseTextures().

Creation and Usage


TextureResource objects are easily created using the graphics.newTexture() method. The sole argument is a table containing the required parameters for the TextureResource object. For example:

local texture = graphics.newTexture( { type="image", filename="background.png" } )
local texture = graphics.newTexture( { type="canvas", width=128, height=128 } )

This code will create the texture resource object under the variable handle texture. Once created, you can utilize the underlying texture with various properties and methods associated with the TextureResource itself.


From the TextureResource object, the filename and baseDir properties let you create images, image sheets, custom fills/strokes, and other objects which accept a file name and directory constant. For instance:

-- TextureResource-based image
local background = display.newImageRect(
    texture.filename,  -- "filename" property required
    texture.baseDir,   -- "baseDir" property required

-- TextureResource-based fill
local circle = display.newCircle( 200, 100, 50 )
circle.fill = {
    type = "image",
    filename = texture.filename,  -- "filename" property required
    baseDir = texture.baseDir     -- "baseDir" property required

Note that these texture-related properties should not be used to reference the same file or directory constant in non-texture-related methods — for example, if you specify "background.png" as the filename for the texture, do not attempt to use texture.filename as a reference to the same file in system.pathForFile(). Essentially, these properties refer to internal memory, not the file system.

Managing Lifetime

To prevent memory leaks, it’s important to dispose/release TextureResource objects if they are no longer required. This can be done either on an individual basis or in a wider scope:

graphics.releaseTextures( { type="image" } )
graphics.releaseTextures( { type="canvas" } )

Note that if any display objects are currently using the released texture, they will not be corrupted — instead, they will hold on to the texture under the hood, and if/when they are removed, the texture will be automatically disposed.

Texture Types

Calling graphics.newTexture() actually produces objects of different types, depending on the specified type parameter. All types contain the shared properties/methods of TextureResource plus additional properties/methods depending on the type:


Pre-loading Images
-- This simplified example pre-loads textures into memory

-- These files are high-resolution images which may affect performance if loaded normally
local filenames = {

-- Pre-load textures to memory
local textures = {}
for i = 1,#filenames do
    textures[i] = graphics.newTexture(
            type = "image",
            filename = filenames[i],
            baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory

-- Sometime later, display the images
-- Because the images were pre-loaded, no performance impact will occur
local objects = {}
for i = 1,#textures do
    local texture = textures[i]
    objects[i] = display.newImageRect( texture.filename, texture.baseDir, 100, 100 )

-- If the textures are no longer needed, release them to prevent memory leaks
for i = 1,#textures do
textures = {}
Render to Canvas Resource
local tex = graphics.newTexture( { type="canvas", width=128, height=128 } )

-- Create display object with texture as contents
local rect = display.newImageRect(
    tex.filename,  -- "filename" property required
    tex.baseDir,   -- "baseDir" property required
rect.x = display.contentCenterX
rect.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Create a circle and draw/render it to the texture
local circ = display.newCircle( 0, 0, 64 )
circ:setFillColor( { type="gradient", color1={0,0.2,1}, color2={0.8,0.8,0.8}, direction="down" } )
tex:draw( circ )

-- Schedule texture objects to be rendered to texture before next frame
Advanced Management

The advanced example, available on GitHub, downloads images from the web and has the capability to pre-load and release textures on runtime for optimized performance purposes.