Using Plugins in Solar2D Native — iOS

To use plugins with Solar2D Native builds through Xcode, you must include them in build.settings just like you would for Simulator builds, for example:

settings =
    plugins =
        ["plugin.openssl"] =
            publisherId = "com.coronalabs"


To perform the process described above, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Xcode.

  2. In the Xcode tool bar, click on the active scheme button and select Download Plugins:

  1. Click on the Run button to download the plugin(s):

  1. In the Xcode tool bar, click on the active scheme button again and select your main app. Now you can build your app with any plugin in the Free Plugins Directory.

Note that you’ll need to download the plugin(s) each time you add or change plugin settings/inclusions within build.settings.