Type Library Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords animation, tween, timeline, interpolation Platforms Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, tvOS See also Animation — Tweens and Timelines (guide) Tween Timeline
The animation plugin (tweens/timelines) is not related to
The animation plugin provides functions and methods to move, rotate, fade, or scale a display object/group over a specific period of time. It also lets you construct timelines for more intricate sequenced animations across one or more display objects/groups. Features include:
Ability to move, rotate, fade, or scale a display object/group over a specific period of time.
Ability to construct and control timelines for intricate
Over 40 easing methods. These allow you to adjust the interpolation using methods such as quadratic, exponential, elastic, bounce, etc.
Programmatically move/set the playback position within a tween or timeline.
Programmatically adjust the playback speed scale of any tween or timeline.
Repeat (iterate) a tween any number of times (or indefinitely) with the option to reflect alternating iterations in reverse.
Ability to interpolate multiple objects at a constant rate, even if they don’t share the same initial/final position, rotation, alpha, or scale.
Multiple event triggers to detect when a tween/timeline starts, completes, pauses, resumes, etc.
Ability to tag multiple tweens/timelines by name and then pause, resume, or cancel all of them with one command.
Ability to pause, resume, or cancel all tweens on an
To use this plugin, add an entry into the plugins
table of build.settings
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.animation"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, }, }
If you want to add, modify or extend functionality, download the source code from GitHub and include in your project(See Using External Modules).