Type Function Return value none Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords ads, advertising, AppLovin, AppLovin Max, hide See also applovinMax.init() applovinMax.load() applovinMax.isLoaded() applovinMax.*
Hides an applovin ad.
For now only "banner"
ads are supported in this method.
applovinMax.hide( "banner" )
local applovinMax = require( "plugin.applovinMax" ) local function adListener( event ) if ( event.phase == "init" ) then -- Successful initialization print( event.isError ) -- Load an AppLovin ad applovinMax.load( "banner", {iOSUnitId ="replace with your own", androidUnitId="replace with your own"} ) elseif ( event.phase == "loaded" ) then -- The ad was successfully loaded print( event.type ) elseif ( event.phase == "failed" ) then -- The ad failed to load print( event.type ) print( event.isError ) print( event.response ) elseif ( event.phase == "displayed" or event.phase == "playbackBegan" ) then -- The ad was displayed/played print( event.type ) elseif ( event.phase == "hidden" or event.phase == "playbackEnded" ) then -- The ad was closed/hidden print( event.type ) elseif ( event.phase == "clicked" ) then -- The ad was clicked/tapped print( event.type ) end end -- Initialize the AppLovin plugin applovinMax.init( adListener) -- Sometime later, show the ad local isAdLoaded = applovinMax.isLoaded( "banner" ) if ( isAdLoaded == true ) then applovinMax.show( "banner" ) end -- Sometime later, hide the ad applovinMax.hide( "banner" )