Type Function Return value Event Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords Facebook, request See also facebook.* fbconnect
Get or post data to the logged-in Facebook account. Can be used to post messages and photos to the account and friends’ accounts. Can also be used to get user data and recent posts.
The request comes back in the form of a fbconnect event that is sent to the listener specified within facebook.setFBConnectListener() or facebook.login().
facebook.request( path [, httpMethod] [, params] )
String. The Facebook Graph API path, for example "me"
, "me/friends"
, or "me/feed"
String. "GET"
, "POST"
, or "DELETE"
. If not specified, defaults to "GET"
Table. Table of key/value pairs passed as arguments to the Facebook API call. For more information, see this document.
-- Post a message to the user's account facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", { message="Hello Facebook" } )
-- Create a user-owned Open Graph object for an episode of The Simpsons local episodeObject = { object = "{\"fb:app_id\":\"[YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID HERE]\",\"og:type\":\"video.episode\",\"og:url\":\"https:\/\/www.simpsonsworld.com\",\"og:title\":\"Treehouse\ of\ Horror\ XXVI\",\"og:image\":\"https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/e\/e6\/Treehouse_of_Horror_XXVI_poster.jpg\"}" } facebook.request( "/me/objects/video.episode", "POST", episodeObject )