
Type Function
Return value Boolean
Revision Release 2024.3703
Keywords Google Play Games Services, game network, gpgs, VideoCapabilities, supportsCapture
See also VideoCapabilities


Checks if the capture mode and/or quality level are supported given the availability/state of the device’s front-facing camera, microphone, and storage write. Returns true if capture is supported.


object.supportsCapture( params )
params (required)

Table. Contains parameters for the call — see the next section for details.

Parameter Reference

The params table contains parameters for the call.

mode (optional)

String. Checks whether the device supports the given capture mode. Valid options are either "file" or "stream".

quality (optional)

String. Checks whether the device supports the given quality level. Valid options are "sd", "hd", "fullhd", or "xhd".