
Type Function
Return value Boolean
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords steam, steamworks, leaderboard, requestLeaderboardEntries
See also steamworks.requestLeaderboardInfo()


Asynchronously fetches entries from one leaderboard.

Returns true if the request was successfully sent to Steam. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the requested operation will succeed. For example, this function will return true if there is no Internet connection. So, the listener must check the received event.isError property to determine if the requested operation succeeded.

Returns false if given invalid arguments or if the steamworks.isLoggedOn property is false.


steamworks.requestLeaderboardEntries( params )
params (required)

Table. Table containing leaderboard parameters — see the next section for details.

Parameter Reference

The params table can contain the following:

leaderboardName (required)

String. The unique name of the leaderboard to fetch entries from. On the Steamworks website, this is the leaderboard string set under the Name column.

listener (required)

Function. Function which will receive the result of the request via a leaderboardEntries event.

startIndex (optional)

Number. Optional integer value specifying the first entry to fetch from the leaderboard. If this parameter is set, you must also set an endIndex parameter or else this function will fail and return false. See the playerScope details below on how to set this index.

endIndex (optional)

Number. Optional integer value specifying the last entry to fetch from the leaderboard. If this parameter is set, then you must also set a startIndex parameter or else this function will fail and return false. See the playerScope details below on how to set this index.

playerScope (required)

String. Optional parameter providing a way to filter the entries based on friends or nearby players:

Scope Description
"Global" The default scope if not specified otherwise. The startIndex and endIndex parameters are absolute 1-based indexes where index 1 references the top person on the leaderboard, for example the player with the highest score at rank 1. If you do not set the startIndex and endIndex parameters, this function will default to fetching the top 25 scores from the leaderboard.
"GlobalAroundUser" The startIndex and endIndex parameters are relative indexes, where index 0 references the currently logged in user’s entry on the leaderboard. Negative indexes reference entries having a higher rank/score than the user, while positive indexes reference entries having a lower rank/score than the user. If you do not set the startIndex and endIndex parameters, this function will default to -12 and 12 respectively which fetches 12 entries with a higher rank than the currently logged in user and 12 entries with a lower rank, for a total of 25 entries when factoring in the user’s index of 0.
"FriendsOnly" The leaderboard entries for all of the currently logged in user’s friends will be fetched. The startIndex and endIndex parameters are ignored.


local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" )

local function onReceivedLeaderboradEntries( event )
    -- Do not continue if fetching of leaderboard entries failed
    if ( event.isError ) then
        print( "Failed to fetch leaderboard entries." )

    -- Print information about each leaderborad entry to the log
    for index = 1, #event.entries do
        -- Concatenate the player's rank
        local message = "Rank: " .. tostring(event.entries[index].globalRank)

        -- Concatenate the player's name
        message = message .. ", User: "
        local userInfo = steamworks.getUserInfo( event.entries[index].userSteamId )
        if ( userInfo ) then
            message = message ..
            if ( string.len( userInfo.nickname ) > 0 ) then
                message = message .. " (" .. userInfo.nickname .. ")"
            message = message .. event.entries[index].userSteamId

        -- Concatenate the player's score
        message = message .. ", Score: " .. tostring(event.entries[index].score)

        -- Output the above concatenated message to the log
        print( message )

-- Fetch leaderboard entries around the currently logged in user's entry
local requestParams =
    leaderboardName = "My Leaderboard",
    listener = onReceivedLeaderboradEntries,
    playerScope = "GlobalAroundUser",
    startIndex = -4,  -- Get 4 entries with higher score than user
    endIndex = 5      -- Get 5 entries with lower score than user
steamworks.requestLeaderboardEntries( requestParams )