Type Function Return value Boolean Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords steam, steamworks, achievements, setAchievementUnlocked See also steamworks.setAchievementProgress() steamworks.setNotificationPosition() achievementInfoUpdate steamworks.*
Unlocks the specified achievement for the current user. Unlocking an achievement will trigger a Steam notification popup.
Returns true
if the achievement was successfully unlocked or was already unlocked.
Returns false
if given invalid arguments or if the steamworks.isLoggedOn property is false
You can control where Steam’s notification popup will appear within the app by using the steamworks.setNotificationPosition() function.
steamworks.setAchievementUnlocked( achievementName )
String. On the Steamworks website, this is the unique name of the achievement set under the
local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" ) steamworks.setAchievementUnlocked( "My Achievement Name" )