Type Number Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords steam, steamworks, image, texture, avatar, ImageInfo, imageHandle See also ImageInfo steamworks.*
The unique temporary integer identifier that is assigned to the image by Steam. This is used to load the image via the steamworks.newImageRect() or steamworks.newTexture() functions.
Image handles should never be saved to file. The unique handle assigned to an image by Steam will likely change after subsequent launches of the application.
local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" ) -- Fetch information about the logged in user's avatar image local imageInfo = steamworks.getUserImageInfo( "mediumAvatar" ) if ( imageInfo == nil ) then return end -- Use "steamworks.newImageRect()" to display avatar on left side of the screen local imageAvatar = steamworks.newImageRect( imageInfo.imageHandle, 64, 64 ) if ( imageAvatar ) then imageAvatar.x = display.contentWidth * 0.25 imageAvatar.y = display.contentCenterY end -- Use "steamworks.newTexture()" to display avatar on right side of the screen local texture = steamworks.newTexture( imageInfo.imageHandle ) if ( texture ) then local textureAvatar = display.newRect( display.contentWidth*0.75, display.contentCenterY, 64, 64 ) rectangle.fill = { type = "image", filename = texture.filename, baseDir = texture.baseDir } texture:releaseSelf() end