Type Function Return value none Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords ads, advertising, unityads, setHasUserConsent See also [unityads.init()][plugin.unityad-v4.init] [unityads.*][plugin.unityad-v4]
Set flag for compliance mode for the app before initialization (before [unityads.init()][plugin.unityad-v4.init])
unityads.setPrivacyMode( privacyMode )
String. supported modes are “app” (indicates that an app is directed at children), “mixed” (indicates that an app is directed at mixed audiences), or “none” (indicates that the entire app is not directed at children)
local unityads = require( "plugin.unityads.v4" ) local function adListener( event ) if ( event.phase == "init" ) then -- Successful initialization end end -- Flag for privacy mode before initialize unityads.setPrivacyMode( "app" ) -- Initialize the Unity Ads plugin unityads.init( adListener, { appId="YOUR_UNITYADS_GAME_ID" } )