
Type Function
Library utf8.*
Return value Numbers
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords utf8, UTF-8, Unicode, string, codepoint


Returns the code points (as integers) from all characters in a string that start between two byte positions (both included).

The default for end is the number of characters in the string. This function raises an error if it finds an invalid byte sequence.


utf8.codepoint( s [, start [, end]] )
s (required)

String. The string to examine.

start (optional)

Number. Starting position. Default is 1.

end (optional)

Number. Ending position. Default is the number of characters in the string.


local utf8 = require( "plugin.utf8" )

local testStr = "♡ 你好,世界 ♡"

print( utf8.codepoint( testStr, 1, 5 ) )  --> 9825  32  20320