
Type Function
Library widget.*
Return value none
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords widget, picker, PickerWheelWidget, selectValue
See also widget.newPickerWheel()


Selects a specific row within a specific column of the PickerWheelWidget. Optionally allows you to snap directly/instantly to the row instead of via default scrolling motion.



object:selectValue( targetColumn, targetIndex [, snapToIndex] )
targetColumn (required)

Number. Integer indicating the column to manipulate, from 1 to the total number of columns in the PickerWheelWidget (left to right).

targetIndex (required)

Number. Integer indicating the row index to select within the specified column (targetColumn). This must be a valid row index from 1 to the total number of rows in the column.

snapToIndex (optional)

Boolean. If true, the specified column+row selection will be instantly selected (no scrolling motion). Default is false.


local widget = require( "widget" )

-- Set up the picker wheel columns
local columnData = 
        align = "left",
        width = 124,
        labelPadding = 20,
        startIndex = 2,
        labels = { "Hoodie", "Short Sleeve", "Long Sleeve", "Sweatshirt" }
        align = "left",
        width = 96,
        labelPadding = 10,
        startIndex = 1,
        labels = { "Dark Grey", "White", "Black", "Orange" }
        align = "left",
        width = 60,
        labelPadding = 10,
        startIndex = 3,
        labels = { "S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL" }

-- Create the widget
local pickerWheel = widget.newPickerWheel(
    x = display.contentCenterX,
    top = display.contentHeight - 160,
    columns = columnData,
    style = "resizable",
    width = 280,
    rowHeight = 32,
    fontSize = 14

-- Select the third row in the first column
pickerWheel:selectValue( 1, 3 )

-- After 4000 milliseconds (4 seconds), select the fourth row in the second column
timer.performWithDelay( 4000, function() pickerWheel:selectValue( 2, 4 ); end )