
Type Function
Library widget.*
Return value Number
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords widget, scroll view, ScrollViewWidget, takeFocus
See also widget.newScrollView()


If you have an object with a touch listener inside a scroll view such as a ButtonWidget, you should call this method within the "moved" phase of that object’s touch listener and pass the touch event’s event table as the sole parameter of this method. This will give focus back to the scroll view, enabling it to continue to scroll.


object:takeFocus( event )
event (required)

Table. The event table from the object’s touch listener function.


local widget = require( "widget" )

local scrollView = widget.newScrollView
    top = 100,
    left = 10,
    width = 300,
    height = 400,
    scrollWidth = 600,
    scrollHeight = 800,
    horizontalScrollDisabled = true

-- The touch listener function for the button (created below)
local function handleButtonEvent( event )

    local phase = event.phase

    if ( phase == "moved" ) then
        local dy = math.abs( ( event.y - event.yStart ) )
        -- If the touch on the button has moved more than 10 pixels,
        -- pass focus back to the scroll view so it can continue scrolling
        if ( dy > 10 ) then
            scrollView:takeFocus( event )
    return true

local button1 = widget.newButton
    left = 100,
    top = 200,
    id = "button1",
    label = "Default",
    onEvent = handleButtonEvent
scrollView:insert( button1 )