
Type C header
Revision Release 2025.3714
Keywords iOS, Solar2D Native, C, CoronaGraphics.h
See also Corona C Functions


CoronaGraphics.h contains interfaces to interact with the Corona graphics pipeline. These interfaces are all prefixed with CoronaExternal.

External Bitmaps

These interfaces allow bitmaps loaded from a C plugin to be made displayable in Corona by pushing them to Lua as TextureResourceExternal objects. A bitmap that is wrapped in a Lua TextureResourceExternal object can then be displayed in Corona via APIs that accept image filename and baseDir parameters such as the Lua display.newImage(), display.newImageRect(), and graphics.newImageSheet() functions. Textures can also be applied to display objects that have a fill property such as a ShapeObject.

Please see the Texture Loading/Management guide for examples on how to use and manage textures in Corona.










This example is a hypothetical plugin.texturer with a single function, newTexture(), that pushes an image from third-party APIs (prefixed with TPA_). Images have indices and third-party APIs can retrieve images with these indices.

  1. Declare the plugin with the luaopen_ function. This is common for all plugins.
CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_texturer( lua_State *L )
    // Functions in library
    const luaL_Reg kVTable[] =
        { "newTexture", newTexture },
        { NULL, NULL }

    luaL_openlib( L, kName, kVTable, 0 );

    return 1;
  1. Implement the newTexture() function which will push images:
/** TextureResourceExternal texturer.newTexture(image) */
int newTexture(lua_State* luaStatePointer)
    int image = 0;
    if (lua_type(luaStatePointer, 1) == LUA_TNUMBER)
        image = (int)lua_tointeger(luaStatePointer, 1);
        luaL_argerror( L, 1, "image must be a number")

    // creating callbacks structure and initializing it with zeros
    CoronaExternalTextureCallbacks callbacks = {0};
    // setting size
    callbacks.size = sizeof(CoronaExternalTextureCallbacks);
    // setting callbacks
    callbacks.getWidth = getWidth;
    callbacks.getHeight = getHeight;
    callbacks.onRequestBitmap = onRequestBitmap;
    callbacks.onReleaseBitmap = onReleaseBitmap;
    callbacks.onFinalize = onFinalize;

    // Creating helper structure
    HelperStruct* helper = new HelperStruct();
    helper->image = image;    
    helper->w = TPA_GetImageWidth(image);   //caching width and height
    helper->h = TPA_GetImageHeight(image);

    int ret = CoronaExternalPushTexture(L, &callbacks, (image));

    // Note that we're not deleting `helper` when everything is OK. It would be released in finalizing callback.
    if (ret == 0)
        // something went wrong. Texture was not pushed, so should clean up to prevent memory leak
        delete helper;
    return ret;
  1. Implement callbacks and helper:
struct HelperStruct
    unsigned w;
    unsigned h;
    int image;
    void *buff;    

unsigned getWidth(void* userData)
    HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData;
    return self->w;

unsigned getHeight(void* userData)
    HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData;
    return self->h;

const void* onRequestBitmap(void* userData)
    HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData;

    int sz = self->w*self->h*4; // we know that our API always return 4 byte RGBA
    self->buff = new unsigned char[sz];
    TPA_GetImageRGBA(self->image, self->buff, sz);
    return self->buff;

void onReleaseBitmap(void* userData)
    HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData;
    delete [] self->buff;

void onFinalize(void *userData)
    HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData;
    // release helper when texture is no longer required
    delete self;
  1. Use the plugin in Lua code:
local texturer = require( "plugin.texturer" )

local tex = texturer.newTexture( 42 )
display.newImageRect( tex.filename, tex.baseDir, tex.width, tex.height )

When the texture is created, callbacks will not be instantly called. Corona creates textures between frames and only when they’re required. Also, after texture:releaseSelf() is called, texture is not necessarily released — only this Lua reference is. If any display objects are using the texture, it will not be released, such that they can still be rendered correctly.