Solar2D Native — Android SDK Manager

This guide describes which components need to be installed from the Android SDK Manager for Solar2D Native development.


The Android SDK contains three fundamental toolsets which can be found under the Tools folder of the Android SDK Manager. The minimum supported versions of these tools are provided below:

Toolset Version
Android SDK Tools 24.4.1
Android SDK Platform-tools 23.1
Android SDK Build-tools 23.0.2

Confirm that you have at least these versions installed and, if not, check the box to the left to get the latest version.

SDK Versions

The Android SDK versions and API levels you need to install varies based on what you're building. You should install at least the minimum and target SDK versions defined by Corona:

Version API Level
Minimum SDK Version Android 4.0.3  (API 15)
Target SDK Version Android 6.0  (API 23)

In addition, you must install the minimum and target SDK versions for any library that you plan to use. If you can't find all of the SDK versions you need, checking the Obsolete checkbox will reveal all versions. While it may seem easier to just install everything, these SDKs take up disk space and they also take time to download/unpack. If you download them all, expect a long wait.

Installing the Packages

Once you have the necessary items selected, confirm that only your items are selected. The Android SDK Manager will often make recommendations of items to install by pre-checking them which can lead to unnecessary bloat on your machine if you aren't paying attention. After verifying that only your items are selected, click the install packages button. On the next screen, accept the license agreements and sit back while everything installs.


If you haven't yet completed every step outlined in the Solar2D Native Setup section, please return there and continue through the entire process.