The current Amazon IAP plugin corresponds to
When including the plugin within build.settings
, change publisherId = ""
publisherId = "com.coronalabs"
You must now call store.finishTransaction() following every transaction. This notifies Amazon about the transaction being processed.
Amazon IAP v2 does not include a "restored"
state for transactions. The store.restore() function should be called to retrieve all of the user’s purchases and, in this case, all valid transactions will be of the "purchased"
store.isActive is now supported. This property will be true
if the plugin was initialized successfully.
New store.getUserData() function added to retrieve the user ID and marketplace code of the currently
New properties available in the productList event table associated with store.loadProducts(), as well as the storeTransaction event table associated with initialization, purchase, and restore requests.
store.canLoadProducts and store.canMakePurchases are supported, but only for