Type Event Revision Release 2025.3714 Keywords steam, steamworks, userProgressSave See also steamworks.addEventListener() steamworks.*
This event occurs when Steam has attempted to save and upload the currently logged in user’s progression data such as unlocked achievements and updated stats. The event.isError property indicates if progression was successfully saved to Steam or not. These events are typically triggered after calling the steamworks.setAchievementUnlocked() and steamworks.setUserStatValues() functions.
You can receive these events by adding a listener to the plugin via the steamworks.addEventListener() function.
local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" ) -- Called when Steam has attempted to save/upload user progression local function onUserProgressSaved( event ) if ( event.isError ) then -- Failed to save/upload user's unlocked achievements and stat data if ( event.resultCode == 3 ) then -- Failed due to an invalid parameter -- For example, calling "steamworks.setUserStats()" with values that break constraints else -- Failed due to some other reason end else -- User progression was successfully saved and uploaded to Steam's server end end -- Set up a listener to be invoked when Steam has attempted to save user progress steamworks.addEventListener( "userProgressSave", onUserProgressSaved )